About the data



box - an improving situation, trend below -1%

box - a stable situation, trend between 1% and -1%

box - a deteriorating situation, trend above 1%


Active cases - shows per every 100k people in that location, how many currently are considered to have COVID-19

New daily cases - shows per every 100k people in that location, how many new cases were reported yesterday

14 day Trend - for active cases, we take the reported number of active cases in each day for the last 14 days. We calculate the slope of the trend line over time and convert it so it shows the % change relative to the average number of cases in that 14 day period.


We use three APIs to find this data for you. COVID-19 stats come from the COVID data Repository by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University.

This data is provided for informational purposes only and does not serve in any advisory capacity. Like with any statistical illustration, this shows the best available info snapshot at a given moment. The data at this repository is updated often and retroactively, so the results for each destination are subject to change.